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Library Shelves

Research Plan

This is my research plan for 2023-2028.



I am predominantly a qualitative researcher but also have experience of mixed methods. I enjoy researching matters related to international education and language as well as exploring experiences of intercultural communication and assessment. My most recent research involves the strengths and drawbacks of using Virtual Reality games for language learning, and the reading processes of postgraduate students, considering the move from paper to digital texts. I have a growing interest in researching accessibility and equity in digital and distance education, in addition to implementing 21st century skills, environmental awareness and AI tools. I also hope to keep contributing to research which helps to improve relationships between people of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

Research Objectives

- To understand how we can better facilitate friendship-building across perceived linguistic and cultural barriers 

- To promote language learning and language policy to enhance the globalised student experience at internationalised universities

- To increase accessibility and equity through digital and distance education

- To explore the use of Artificial Intelligence in higher education

Screenshot 2021-06-15 at 10.55.29.png

Current Research Interests

  • Language at the internationalised university

  • Digital and distance education

  • Intercultural communication and integration

  • Game-based learning

  • Artificial intelligence in higher education

Research Grants

  • EAP Scholarship 2016-2021 PhD Lancaster University

  • BALEAP funding for mixed method research into impact of Covid-19 on UK EAP sector 2020


Publication plans



Planned publications

  • Routledge Book chapter: Emergency Remote Assessment (ERA) Narratives from the UK English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Sector (Sadeghi, 2023)

  • Article: Exploring postgraduate processes of reading (2024)

  • Routledge book proposal: Language matters at the internationalised university (based on PhD research, 2024)

  • Article: Realities of modern-day patchwork ethnography (based on PhD research)


2024 - Book proposal to SRHE Routledge, based on PhD; work with MA TESOL students to publish dissertation research on digital education; publish article on VR language learning; publish article on postgraduate reading processes


2025-2028 - Seek UK or European funding for research into use of AI in higher education or funding to carry out a large-scale collection of interviews with people from around the globe in order to collect data on Global Englishes and to establish commonalities between peoples

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